
Feasibility and Representativeness of a Random Sample Mobile Phone Survey in Côte d’Ivoire


Published in Population in June 2016, Volume 71(1).


Joseph Larmarange, Ouattara Kassoum, Élise Kakou, Yves Fradier, Lazare Sika and Christine Danel for the DOD-CI ANRS 12287 Study Group


This short paper presents the results of an exploratory pilot survey on HIV-AIDS screening (DOD-CI) conducted in Côte d’Ivoire to test the feasibility and representativeness of a national general population survey based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers. The refusal rate was low, and below the levels habitually observed for similar surveys conducted in France. In terms of representativeness, the sample obtained was younger, more urban and more masculine than the population in general. Four HIV-AIDS screening indicators were compared with those obtained in the Demographic and Health survey (DHS) conducted in 2011-2012. Owing to differences in selection biases affecting the two surveys, the indicators were higher than those observed in the DHS 2011-2012. However, the differences observed by sex, age group, level of education and place of residence were similar. This confirms the feasibility of applying such an approach for a national survey in Côte d’Ivoire, providing that several adjustments are made, such as including non-subscribers living in the same household as a mobile phone subscriber.


Larmarange Joseph, Kassoum Ouattara, Kakou Élise, Fradier Yves, Sika Lazare, Danel Christine and DOD-CI ANRS 12287 Study Group (2016) “Feasibility and Representativeness of a Random Sample Mobile Phone Survey in Côte d’Ivoire”, Population, Vol. 71 (1) (July 1), p. 121-134. DOI : 10.3917/popu.1601.0121. http://www.cairn.info/resume.php?ID_ARTICLE=E_POPU_1601_0121.